Fiddle Kids Program


District 5 continues to support our Fiddle Kids Music Scholarship Program. Cameron, Age 11 and Patricia, age 7 was granted a $250.00 scholarship to attend the recent American River Music Camp in Coloma.  Cameron's mother Cathie accompanied him at her own expense and had nothing but praise and appreciation for the opportunity we granted her son. She said Eric will always be Cameron’s fiddle teacher but that she and Cameron will also attend the American River Music Camp at every opportunity. She said that he participated every evening in the camp’s band scramble and even formed a string band with a couple of other kid campers and entertained the audience in the evenings after dinner.

Cameron regularly performs on our stage and always “wows” our fiddle friends with his musical talent. He has already gone to the grand daddy of fiddledom at the Weiser, Idaho fiddle contest and is destined to retun some day as a fiddle champion.

Patricia Garrett has been fiddling for only three months but you’d never know it the way she plays with smooth tone, skill and confidence. Both these fiddle kids represent a bright future for our treasured fiddle music and with excellent music teachers like Eric our club can be a part of that enjoyable future.

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