CSOTFA District #5 Members: November Election Ballot Listed below are the people currently holding positions in District 5 and are on the ballot for re-election. Please email your completed ballot to gdebby@cox.net or bring your completed nomination ballot to our upcoming November 12th Sunday meeting at the Orangevale Grange. Ballots will be tallied and the lucky winners will be announced at our December 10th Orangevale Grange Meeting. Thank You! Sorry I don't have any I Voted Stickers to give you! 1) District President: Jeff Gebhart __________________________ 2) District Vice-President: Eric Anderson __________________________ 3) District Treasurer: Sandi Anderson __________________________ 4) Membership Chair: Mary McGowan ____________________________ 5) Secretary: Vacant ____________________________ 6) Advisors: Carl Malotte Rick Fairall ______________________________